V. Berdinskikh, ?. ????????????-??????-???????-?????????, and . ??????, The special settlers The political 15. Most of the archives on which this article is based come from the National Archives of the Russian Federation and the Lithuanian Special Archives (Lietuvos Ypatingasis Archyvas, hereafter LYA) Several publications of documents were also used, the most important of which are: Nikolai PoBol', Pavel Polian, ?????????? ??????????: 1928-1953 [The Stalinist Deportations: 1928-1953 ??????????? ??????????? ??, ??????? ??????????????? ? ??????????? ????? ? ?????????? ? ???????????? ????? ???????????? ????????? [Collection of legal and normative acts on the repressions and the rehabilitation of the victims of R9479/1/427/13) indicates the figures 28-30 and 58-60, further reinforcing the bureaucratic precision, pp.63-135, 1948.

«. ????-???????????-???????-????, A. Blum, E. Koustova, E. Koustova, L. Salakhova et al., Less accurate maps were produced first; they seem to have been used for the implementation of all of the post-war deportations (such as for the operation code-named ?????? 65. Interview with Marit? Kontramait?, Sound Archives 00:00:30-00:02:40]. 66. Interview with Juozas Miliautskas, Sound Archives On these issues of the integration of deportees, see E. KousTova, « (Un)returned? », art. cit. 76. For example, for the year 1950: GARF, R9479, Plan for the supply of wagons for the transport of the special settlers under Operation Coastal Surf Estonia: GARF R9479 ????? ??????? ???????? ???????? ?? ????????? ???. ?????? » [« Map of convoy loading points for the Estonian railways ???????? ? ?????? ????? ?????????????? ? 1950 ???? » [« Report on the labour of special settlers report of the department of the localities of special deportation of the MGB of the USSR ???????? ? ?????????? ???????-??????????, ????????, ????????? ? ??????????????? ?? ????????????, ??????????? evictees and special settlers by contingent, republic, territory, county and region on 1, pp.35-48, 1949.

V. Berdinskikh, ?. Blum, . Naître, and U. Et-mourir-en, in other words, he shows to what extent the creation of categories for statistical can be reified as categories of perception and action. We emphasised the importance of this dimension in A Live and Die in the Soviet Union: 1917-1991], Paris, Plon, 1994, and in A. BluM, Martine MesPouleT, L'anarchie bureaucratique, pouvoir et statistique sous Staline, [Bureaucratic Anarchy, Power and Statistics under Stalin Report submitted by Kruglov, minister of the interior, and Alidin, bureau chief of the same Ministry. 78. This report came shortly after the amnesty decree of 27 March 1953, passed by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on a proposal by Beria, which led to the release of more than a million inmates from prisons and camps, mostly common-law criminals Report submitted by Kruglov, minister of the interior, and Alidin, bureau chief of the same Ministry. 80. On the liberation of the camps, the amnesty and the return of prisoners after 1953, cit., describes the formative impact of statistics in the chapter particular M. elie, « Les anciens détenus du Goulag : libérations massives, réinsertion et réhabilitation dans l'URSS poststalinienne The Former Inmates of the Gulag: Mass Releases, Reintegration and Rehabilitation in the post-Stalinist USSR, pp.1917-199167, 2003.

. Miriam-dobson, . Khrushchev-'s-cold, and . Summer, Gulag Returnees, Crime, and the Fate of Reform after Stalin The Gulag Survivor: Beyond the Soviet System, 2002.